Reject Mein Kampf, Nazism, Fascism, Third Reich, NSDAP, & National Socialism
Pledge of Allegiance in FRIGHTENING photos
For fascinating information about symbolism see 
Racism from the Pledge of Allegiance and American National Socialism Yahoo Video
Growing media coverage, radio appearances, etc
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Swastika Tattoo Swastikas Tattoos Today's leviathan government is a scary reminder of its obsession with your life.

It resembles similar Police-State tactics and obsessive Gestapo behavior under the National Socialist German Workers Party. 
See the police state and Social Security Tattoos exposed as a growing part of your life.

The USA's growing Police State

SIEG HEIL must stop in the Pledge of Allegiance. Reject Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler NSDAP Nazis Fascists Third Reich

 Take the pledge from the flag.
Take flags from schools.
Take schools from government.

The late Texas Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez strongly objected to the Pledge of Allegiance that preceded Congressional sessions. He compared the Pledge to the National Socialist German Workers Party's incantation, "Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!" Gonzalez told the House: "Some people think the Pledge comes with the Declaration of Independence. That downgrades Thomas Jefferson." Gonzalez added that Jefferson "would never have concocted that sort of banal recital!" Gonzalez did not realize how right he was.

Pledge Of Allegiance

Support the "PLEDGE REJECTION ACT" & stop the "Pledge Protection Act" & fund education about the Pledge, its author and his ilk. 


The first Elk Grove ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court on the Pledge of Allegiance was a blessing in disguise, by providing a temporary delay. It allowed the fight to widen against the entire pledge, not just against two words within the pledge. The first Elk Grove case led to scary discoveries about the Pledge’s pedigree, detailed below and at

Rex Curry, a libertarian and a lawyer, is spearheading the effort to liberate Americans from government pushing the totalitarian Pledge. It is a pro bono service to the public. Some litigation has already occurred at    

As part of that pro bono service, Curry helps the media and the public understand the bigger issues, and he collects astounding historic photos and information about the pledge's putrid past, linked below. is the only website that collects and shows historic photos of the original straight-arm socialist salute to the U.S. flag that the media and the government schools won't show you.  This is the only place that tells the WHOLE story, not the "government-school" version that the media recite from lessons in government schools.  

Stop saluting and slip the surly bonds of socialism. Enter the vexing world of vexillology.

Francis Bellamy wrote the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag.  The pledge expressed the totalitarian socialism of his cousin and cohort Edward Bellamy, as detailed in “Looking Backward,” Edward’s book and weltanschauung.

The original pledge used a straight-arm salute beginning in 1892. As the nation's leading authority on the pledge of allegiance, made the historic discovery that the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis) originated from the military salute in the USA, and from the original flag pledge (as written by a socialist), and not from ancient Rome.

That is why the Bellamys are known as the first American Nazis.  They were domestic Hitlers.

The pledge of allegiance was an earlier wordier "Sieg Heil" (Hail to Victory -victory over the southern states) or "Heil Nation" (Hail to the Bellamy’s nationalism, nationalization and military socialism).   

The Bellamys created military socialism because they loved the War of Northern Aggression against southern independence.  The pledge memorializes their view, especially the phrase “one nation, indivisible.”   "Preservation of the Union" was like “lebensraum” in the Bellamy mind.

Francis Bellamy’s pledge is a chant of capitulation.  Because of his national socialist dogma, the U.S. flag in a school is a white flag of surrender, to government, to the Department of Education, to nationalization, to socialism, to militarism.  The Bellamys gave the flag’s red stripes a loathsome connotation for socialized schools.

During that time children in government-schools were required by law to salute the flag with the straight-armed salute in military formation daily on the ring of a government bell, like Pavlov’s lapdogs of the state.  

Because of the Bellamys, children used the “sieg heil” gesture for flags flying over racist government schools through the rise of Nazism (the hand-over-the-heart spread in 1942).  The bizarre practices served as an example for three decades before they were adopted by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.  The U.S. practice of segregation even outlasted the horrid party, into the 1960's and beyond.  That is why the Bellamys are known as the “American Hitlers.”

Edward Bellamy's book was an international bestseller and translated into every major language including Russian, Chinese and German.  The Bellamys influenced the socialist trio of atrocities that led to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): 62 million in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 35 million in the People’s Republic of China; 21 million under the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. (Death tolls from the book "Death by Government" by Professor R. J. Rummel).  It was the worst slaughter in world history. 

Abolish The Pledge Of Allegiance, Ban the Pledge Of Allegiance, Stop the Pledge Of Allegiance

TO SEE MORE PHOTOS - click here for many more examples at     
The salute was like the salute of the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party.  The photos might need time to load.

A QUICK SCARY OVERVIEW - about the ideas that inspired the pledge and caused atrocities worldwide.

THE BELLAMY COUSINS - Francis Bellamy wrote the pledge, Edward Bellamy inspired Francis, both were socialists,
and the ideas that inspired them and the pledge caused mass atrocities worldwide.  They are unmasked here.

FRANCIS BELLAMY  - 1855-1931. He wrote the pledge and he died just as his salute & ideas became even more infamous.

EDWARD BELLAMY - 1850-1898. His book "Looking Backward" details his weltanschauung, but he didn't have to look back at his socialist slaughter.

"Authoritarian Socialism in America" by Arthur Lipow provides more evidence of Bellamy's global chaos

"Edward Bellamy Abroad" by Sylvia E. Bowman shows that Bellamy exported his statism to every socialist cesspool.

"Twenty-Three Words" (of Military Socialism) by Margarette S. Miller was a religious wacko

EDWARD BELLAMY'S AUTHORITARIANISM - Arthur Lipow provides more evidence of Bellamy's global chaos.

JOHN DEWEY - (1859-1952) aka "Johnny Socialism-Seed" for planting the Bellamy Boys worldwide.

BELLAMY'S SPEECH - for the first time ever on the internet: the speech that accompanied the first Pledge of Allegiance.
It is exposed and explained with references to "Looking Backward" and the "Industrial Army."  Only at    
THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - and the worship of government.  A different look at the ideas in the Newdow case.

THE MILITARY-SOCIALISM COMPLEX - even more secret photos of the original military salute.
THE SALUTE - Did government schools in the U.S. inspire the National Socialist German Worker's Party?
SOCIALISM'S "ROMAN SALUTE" - did U.S. socialists inspire WWII, the Holocaust & the Wholecaust?

THE OATH OF THE HORATII - an old inaccurate painting may have inspired a National Socialist in the U.S. 

Sieg Heil must stop in the Pledge of Allegiance. Reject Mein Kampf and Segregated socialism STUDENTS DEFY THE SOCIALIST PLEDGE - these resources help them to stop the pledge in government schools (and out).
MUST YOU OR STUDENTS SALUTE THE FLAG ? or say the pledge in government schools?
THE MYTH OF SOCIALIZATION - government schools teach intolerance and regimentation.
SEGREGATION & RACISM - as official government policy from socialism and its government schools.
SOCIALISM'S RACISM -in government schools abetted by Francis Bellamy.
BELLAMY WAS A BIGOT - and socialism and government schools are inherently racist and bigoted.

Read the legend of William Tell Gobitas

ATHEISTS & SOCIALISTS - do they disagree with the kids in the Gobitas Case?  What about the Supreme Court's Newdow case?
REPUBLICANS WHO LIKE THE PLEDGE - are they the Society of Christian Socialists? Which case do they like and why?
Rep. Ron Paul misinforms Congress to promote the socialist's pledge
Should southerners chant the pledge? NO !
Racism & Segregation were spread by northern socialists.

scary details about the old pledge & survival tips if you keep reciting.

APOLOGY TO GERMANY - the salute and the "military socialism" originated in the U.S.
A GERMAN FAN - says "Thanks!" for showing that crazy socialists in the U.S. created the salute and ideas
before German socialists did it in the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
GERMAN-AMERICAN BUND - the History Channel documentary leaves a lot out.
MORE GERMAN TIES - U.S. socialists promoted racism, eugenics and hatred of individuality & differences.

THE MEDIA - won't show you photos of the U.S. flag's original socialist salute.  And government schools won't either.
   The media recite the myths that they were taught in government schools, just as they were taught to recite the Pledge itself.      and

INTERNET SEARCHES - pioneers philosophical concepts untouched by media & the public.
REWARD $$$$ - this site pays for historic photos showing the original U.S. flag salute.
POSTCARDS TO SHARE - of the U.S. flag's original socialist salute.
REX'S IMPROVED PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - for government to pledge to you.
A SOCIALIST WROTE THE PLEDGE - for allegiance to socialism in government schools.
FLAG DAY LETTER - June 14 letter to the editor for you to use to educate the public & media.

MUST JURORS SAY THE PLEDGE ? - hotter news than Newdow's Pledge of Allegiance case: U.S. v. Wonschik

People who use the word "nazi" exclusively (who never mention the actual name of the group: the National Socialist German Workers Party) are the same people who refuse to admit that the swastika was used by "Nazis" to represent overlapping S-letters for the "socialist" dogma of the National Socialist German Workers Party. They are the same people who use the term "Stalinism" and never mention the actual name of Stalin's country: the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  That is why they use these terms: Stalinism, Maoism, Hitlerism. They do it to cover-up and rehabilitate the dogma of socialism.

This is a lawsuit to stop the Pledge of Allegiance in court

To a totalitarian socialist, "liberty and justice for all" means the opposite of what it means for everyone else.
When a totalitarian socialist says "liberty and justice for all" he is telling you that he wants to rob and enslave you.

The only reason that people don't despise the hand-over-the-heart salute is because it wasn't used by the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

On June 22, 1942, the pledge was included in the U.S. Flag Code, but Congress gave it the modern hand-over-the-heart gesture. There is probably one overriding reason why Congress interfered: to make everyone drop the straight-arm salute, which was becoming very embarassing and very revealing. The US had entered WWII on December 7, 1941 against Japan after Pearl Harbor.  On December 11, 1941 Germany and Italy declared war on the United States and the U.S. declared war on Germany and Italy.

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The court case of Frank Herbert Wonschik v. U.S., argued that the jury selection process was impermissibly tainted by the trial judge's request that all potential jurors stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance prior to jury selection. Furthermore, that bias also transgressed the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Sieg Heil must stop in the Pledge of Allegiance. Reject Mein Kampf.

CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE the Sieg Heil of the Pledge of Allegiance Pledging Allegiance
Sieg Heil must stop in the Pledge of Allegiance. Reject Mein Kampf, socialism, segregation and racism
Sieg Heil in the Pledge of Allegiance Pledging Allegiance

The swastika was used as S-letters for "Socialism"  
See the Swastika image Swastika photograph
The stiff-arm Nazi salute originated in the USA's Pledge of Allegiance
View a photograph of the early Pledge of Allegiance and its Nazi salute
Francis Bellamy, socialist and author of the Pledge and its notorious salute
Image of straight arm salute from Francis Bellamy Pledge Of Allegiance photograph
Edward Bellamy, socialist and the swastika
Image of swastika under Edward Bellamy Swastika image
Hear audio on worldwide radio at
Fan Mail

The historic collectible out-of-print biography of Francis Bellamy "Twenty-Three Words" (by Margarette S. Miller) is available here for $100. The eye-popping book is in mint condition, never used. This may be the only opportunity to obtain this book   Just use the donation button below at left to purchase the book and communicate with this website at
lawyer  AT

Swastika Image Swastika Image

Socialism's Sick Swastika !

Swastika Image Swastika Image

Dr. Rex Curry. America's leading authority on the Pledge Of Allegiance is Dr. Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry. The USA's leading authority on the Pledge Of Allegiance is Dr. Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry. The nation's leading authority on the Pledge Of Allegiance is Dr. Rex Curry.

The first salute to the flag.
The first salute to the U.S. flag.
The first salute to the United States flag.
The first pledge of allegiance to the flag.
The first pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag.
The first pledge of allegiance to the United States flag.

The historic salute to the flag.
The historic salute to the U.S. flag.
The historic salute to the United States flag.
The historic pledge of allegiance to the flag.
The historic pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag.
The historic pledge of allegiance to the United States flag.

The original salute to the flag.
The original salute to the U.S. flag.
The original salute to the United States flag.
The original pledge of allegiance to the flag.
The original pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag.
The original pledge of allegiance to the United States flag.