“Laissez faire is everywhere!”  The market overcomes socialism.  The black market saved the Union of Soviet Socialist States from it's toilet of socialism.  Ditto for Communist/Socialist China. The market saves the economy of the United Socialist States of America from domestic socialism.  It's the ubiquitous and invisible hand of the free market.  Socialism isn't fair, neither laissez nor savoir.  The market is the mouse that roars. The market is all mice scampering to and fro in the streets where socialism blackens life.

    "Laissez faire" is related to the words "lease" (let go) and "release." Laissez faire: "allow to act" from French 1815-1825. The libertarian Ralph Raico recounts a story about the famous French mercantilist minister, Colbert, who once asked a group of businessmen what he could do for them. One of the men, Legendre, is supposed to have replied, Laissez nous faire--leave us alone. Several French authors in the earlier part of the 18th century, including the Marquis d'Argenson, used the slogan laissez faire. The great Turgot attributed the rule laissez faire, laissez passer--leave things alone, let goods pass through--to Gournay. Sometimes a phrase was added suggesting the social theory behind the slogan: le monde va de lui même--the world goes by itself. Today the term laissez faire has come to mean: leave the people alone, let them be, in their economic activities, in their religious affairs, in thought and culture, in the pursuit of fulfillment in their own lives.

Examples of some of the words in other phrases:

Laissez passer: les’ay pa say’ noun for a permit or pass F allow to pass

Laissez les bon temps rouler: Let the good times roll.  popular in New Orleans.

savoir faire: savwafer; know-how; knowledge of just what to do in any situation; tact; F 1805-15; to know (how) to act. Related to Savant -person of extensive learning.  Or in Spanish, saber.

savoir vivre: (veevr) knowledge of the world and of the usages of polite society; capacity to live graciously; F 1745-50; to know (how) to live.

Laissez le rouleau de liberté!

Etymologist Dr. Rex Curry, Linguist & Libertarian Lecturer
Etymologist Dr. Rex Curry, Linguist, Libertarian Lecturer & LIBERTARIAN THINK TANK for Etymology, Linguistics & Language Dr. Rex Curry Libertarian Author Libertarian Party Leader & Libertarian Lawyer Professor & Attorney At Law on Eco Capitalism, Libertarian Environmentalism, Free Market Envionmentalism, Libertarian Speakers Bureau  
Etymologist Dr. Rex Curry, Linguist & Libertarian Lecturer
Etymologist Dr. Rex Curry, Linguist, Libertarian Lecturer & author Libertarian Think Tank, Libertarian Lecturer & Libertarian Speakers Bureau Thinktank Libertarian author Dr. Rex Curry, Libertarian Party Leader & Libertarian Lawyer on FREE MARKET ENVIRONMENTALISM, ECO CAPITALISM, LIBERTARIAN ENVIRONMENTALISM, ECOLOGISM
Pledge of Allegiance in frightening images & articles at
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( Learn the Language of Liberty, Libertarian Linguistics and Libertarian Lexicon )

Volumes of research exist about language.  Language clarifies or confuses basic issues in each person's life, including: liberty, oppression, property, force.

Rhetoric (effective use of language in writing and speaking) is important to the preservation of freedom. Libertarian rhetoric and libertarian linguistics refine the langauge of liberty.

The degradation of language is illustrated in the work of fiction "1984" by George Orwell (1949).  The book describes a political party that uses these slogans: War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength.  

"1984" was a warning about the deadly dogma of socialism during the time of the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~20 million dead under the National Socialist German Workers Party; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~60 million under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Langauge is often used to hide atrocities and misbehavior by politicians and government, as shown by the noted linguist and etymologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Liberty & Language Secrets") and of the word chart follows policy recommendations made by Dr. Curry regarding linguistics

Similar to "1984," the word "liberal" is an example of a word that changed to the opposite of its original meaning.  In the past, "liberal" meant the lack of government and opposition to government programs of any type.  

The word "freedom" is often used in opposing ways.  "Freedom" should mean the lack of government and opposition to government programs of most types.

Another, opposite meaning of "Freedom" is "freedom from hunger" or freedom from any of various needs, such as: food, clothing, shelter, medicine.   Thereby, the word is used to signify government and government programs touted as filling such needs.  Opponents of that view point out that the only way in which government can give food to a person (and thus provide "freedom from hunger") is by taking that food (or its monetary equivalent) from someone else, and destroying someone else's freedom.

People who say that "freedom" requires an end to government programs are people who assert that food, clothing, shelter, and medicine are decreased by government programs, and increased in a libertarian society of minimum government.   As proof, they point to socialism and the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~20 million dead under the National Socialist German Workers Party; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~60 million under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  

Everyone should learn the rhetoric of freedom. Rhetoric (from Greek rhêtôr, orator, teacher) is the art or technique of persuasion, usually through the use of language. Rhetoric is one of the three original liberal arts or trivium (the others are dialectic and grammar) in Western culture. Rhetoric concerned itself with persuasion in public and political settings such as assemblies and courts of law. As such, rhetoric is said to flourish in free societies with rights of free speech and free assembly.

Aristotle, Cicero, and Quintilian developed theories of successful speech-making.  In the first sentence of The Art of Rhetoric, Aristotle says that "rhetoric is the counterpart [literally, the antistrophe] of dialectic."

Subsequently, it came to signify elaborate and pompous language, which is nonetheless empty and insincere.

Everyone should learn the language of liberty.

Let's liberate "liberal." Never use the word “liberal” to refer to the "left."  Always say “socialists” or “democrat-socialists.”  This is a point that is lost on republican-socialists and conservative-socialists who brainlessly use the word “liberal” pejoratively (that is another reason why they are republican-socialists and conservative-socialists).  If time permits, explain that the word “liberal” comes from the root meaning “liberty” and referred (in times past) to laissez faire capitalists and people who opposed government taxes, government programs and government growth. The term “liberal” became corrupted and now has the complete opposite definition.  Try to restore and promote it’s obvious original concept.  

Friedrich Hayek felt compelled to explain his use of the word "liberal" in the foreword of his book "The Road to Serfdom" all the way back in 1944: "I use throughout the term 'liberal' in the original, nineteenth-century sense in which it is still current [1944] in Britain. In current American usage it often means very nearly the opposite of this. It has been part of the camouflage of leftist movements in this country, helped by the muddle-headedness of many who really believe in liberty, that 'liberal' has come to mean the advocacy of almost every kind of government control."


"Rosemary's Baby" and "The Boys from Brazil" are the two most popular novels written by the late Ira Levin (referencing a newspaper article "'Rosemary's Baby' Author Ira Levin Dies," November 14).  But his best work, in my opinion, is his little-known 1970 novel "This Perfect Day."  In this work, Mr. Levin describes the horrors unleashed by a collectivist mentality that deifies the state as the creator of all that is orderly and good in society - a mentality that, as a result, empowers government to crush liberty and individuality.  "This Perfect Day" should rank with other collectivist-dystopian works such as Orwell's "1984" and with Huxley's "Brave New World."                   ---  Donald J. Boudreaux

The degradation of language is illustrated in the work of fiction "1984" by George Orwell (1949).

Plural Pronouns are socialism, collectivism, slavery

Everyone should share Ayn Rand's deep skepticism of plural pronouns.
Plural pronouns reek of socialism, schizophrenia, and slavery.

For more information enjoy Ayn Rand's novella "Anthem." It is set in a distant collectivist future, when every form and emblem of individualism has been erased and society has reverted to a pre-industrial level. Its hero, a scientist in a world where the pursuit of knowledge is a crime, discovers the meaning of individual freedom.

What ever happened to possessives? Why don’t they spell Walgreens as "Walgreen's"? Why isn't Albertsons spelled as "Albertson's"? As an example of capitalism, such stores should have marks of ownership! Make it plain to everyone: "This store is mine!"

Rulers love the first-person plural. As in the absurd comment "We owe it to ourselves."

Libertarian language focuses on individuals and eschews fictional groups. That point was made in the following comments by David R. Henderson:

I don't know many libertarians who, in talking about the 1993 Clinton tax increase, say, "We raised taxes." They're much more likely to say, "Clinton and Congress raised taxes." In other words, they put the responsibility on the people who acted."  

Henderson goes on to state that, in contrast, he knows many people who will say, without the slightest hint of irony, "We bombed Nagasaki" or "We went to war with Iraq." In other words, the clean language of individualism that libertarians use in discussing domestic policy changes to the dark, obfuscatory language of collectivism in discussing foreign policy. Henderson continues: "But certain principles apply to government action, and those principles don't become irrelevant in the government's dealings with the people of other countries. It's important, for example, that a government not kill innocent people, whether they are in the country that that government governs or in another country."

That is a reminder of another British practice that was very recent: "Public school" was a phrase used to mean what we would call "Private school."  Government schools were "government schools" and "state schools."  It is terrifying to think that the example set by the government in the USA probably did a lot to destroy both British practices.

Professor Rex Curry coined "rexisms" related to the topic:
Never say “public school” and always say “government school” and "state school" instead.
Never say “public property” and always say “government property” instead.
Everyone should refer to his social security number as "My socialist slave number."
Eschew the abbreviation "USSR" and always say "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" instead.
Never say the hackneyed shorthand for "National Socialist German Workers’ Party" and use the full accurate name of the party instead.
Help educate others about the entire socialist "Wholecaust" (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~20 million dead under the National Socialist German Workers Party; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~60 million under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Libertarian speaking habits help reverse widespread ignorance about the actual meaning of shorthand terms and ignorance of history.

The book "Linguistic Engineering: Language and Politics in Mao's China" by Dr. Fengyuan Ji is fascinating and more educational than any government school (socialist school). The Author is a lecturer in Asian studies at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

When Mao and his socialist sycophants took control in 1949, they were determined to impose their dogma on everyone to create "revolutionary human beings." An intricate instrument of ideological brainwashing was a massive government program of linguistic engineering. They forced a new political vocabulary, imposed socialist meanings on old words, censored words that conveyed "incorrect" ideas, and mandated slogans, stock phrases, and scripts that set "correct" linguistic mode to "correct" thought. The asinine killers assumed that mind-numbing repetition would change reality and engender socialist beliefs, and make sick socialism work.

Dr. Ji's book provides wonderful comparisons to works by the linguist Dr. Rex Curry, author of "Learn the Language of Liberty" and "Liberty & Language Secrets."

Dr. Ji’s book explores the effectiveness of linguistic engineering by evaluating research on the connection between language and thought (an introductory chapter). In later chapters, Dr. Ji follows the roots of linguistic engineering in China. Her book exposes its origins in the early development of socialism in China. She examines the frightening and unique manipulation of language during the Cultural Revolution of 1966-1976. The book reveals the unprecedented types of linguistic engineering used in Mao-worship, exegetical principles, class struggle, the Great Leap Forward (a phrase that exemplifies linguistic engineering), land reform, revolutionary violence, personal relationships, Public Criticism Meetings, Red Guard activism, and the teaching of other languages (foreign languages, including English). Dr. Ji re-interprets Mao's methods in the initial stages of the Cultural Revolution, showing how he cynically manipulated language and ideas to trap and frame opponents. The work concludes with an evaluation of the sad successes and frightening failures of linguistic engineering and a description of how the socialists relaxed their dictatorial directives after Mao went to burn for eternity in hades.

The book is powerfully argued. It makes innovative offers to all those with a love of liberty and language and the psychology of persuasion.


Whenever anyone mentions WWII or that "Germany started WWII," always remind everyone that WWII started when the National Socialist German Worker’s Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics both invaded Poland pursuant to an agreement between the National Socialist German Worker’s Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to divide up Europe, along with trade agreements. (Whenever appropriate also mention that the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics killed more people than did the horrid National Socialist German Workers’ Party in Poland and elsewhere).

When the Holocaust is mentioned, add that the horrid Holocaust was part of the larger "Wholecaust" of the socialist trio of atrocities: ~20 million dead under the National Socialist German Workers Party; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~60 million under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Most people are ignorant of the fact that the death toll of the National Socialist German Workers' Party was exceeded twice, and also by other socialists.  and

Never say the abbreviation “U.S.S.R.” and always say "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics” instead.

Never say the hackneyed shorthand “Nazi” and always say “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” instead. Break the bad habit and join the "Not Say Nazi" movement

Professor Rex Curry was the founder of the "Not Say Nazi" movement, a linguistic group.

Join the "Not Say Swastika" movement. Eschew the word "swastika" in any discussion of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.   The monstrous party always used the word "hakenkreuze" and never used the word "swastika" and there is not evidence they even knew the latter term.   The word "swastika" was a misleading translation of "hakenkreuze."  It led to the "swastika myth" that the National Socialist German Workers' Party adopted the symbol because it was an ancient symbol meaning "good luck."  That myth has been debunked by    The swastika myth covers-up the fact that, for the National Socialist German Workers' Party, the hakenkreuze represented overlapping "S" shapes symbolizing "socialism." 

    Never say “republican” or “democrat” and always say “the old parties” when speaking collectively, or “republican-socialists” and “democrat-socialists” if speaking of either old party separately. (Never mention the greens, but if they are mentioned then refer to them as “green socialists”).  
    Avoid saying "left" and "right" for political categories and if someone else says it, then discuss the philosophical fraud.
    Use the term "ardy socialists" to refer to both republicans and democrats. The term "Ardy Socialists" is derived from R-D socialists (republicans and democrats), pronounced "ardy socialists".  
    The term is especially useful for discussing the candidates in elections and the bias of ardy socialists in the media in covering only candidatates who are ardy socialists supporting the constant growth of government spending, programs and laws.
    Whenever there is a comment about whether the media are left wing or right wing always mention that the media are Ardy Socialists (resolving the hopeless concepts "left and right").
    Ardy socialism refers to the policies of the old parties. The term "Ardy socialists" was coined by and a search of the web and newsgroups reveals it was first used by   For more info on Libertarian Language tips see  and Libertarian etymology see and for more etymological innovations see

Never say “social security system” without immediately substituting it with “socialist slave system” (and “socialist slave card” and “socialist slave number”).

    Whenever someone says that the government needs to stop immigration, respond "there is constant immigration into my state, county, city and neighborhood from other states, counties, cities and neighborhoods.  I oppose laws to limit that.  Don't you?"  Then add: "there is constant immigration into other states, counties, cities and neighborhoods, from my state, county, city and neighborhood.  I oppose laws to limit that.  Don't you?"
    Whenever someone says that the government needs to stop jobs from leaving the country, respond "jobs are constantly leaving my state, county, city and neighborhood and moving to other states, counties, cities and neighborhoods.  I oppose laws to limit that.  Don't you?"  And add: "jobs are constantly coming to my state, county, city and neighborhood from other states, counties, cities and neighborhoods.  I oppose laws to limit that.  Don't you?"
    Whenever someone says that the government needs to stop trade imbalances, respond "My state, county, city and neighborhood has constant trade imbalances with other states, counties, cities and neighborhoods.  I oppose laws to limit that.  Don't you?"  

Whenever “9-11” is mentioned, always say “that’s the day when Saudi Arabians hijacked planes and crashed them” and keep inserting that comment at any mention of Iraq, Afghanistan or any other country besides Saudi Arabia.  When mention is made of Saudi Arabia, point out that not long after 9-11 the U.S. withdrew military from Saudi Arabia.

   After the latest surrender by the government in its self-created "War on Terrorism," newscasters incorrectly told airline travelers "you cannot carry on bottled water."  Newscasters pervert language to cover-up the USA's growing police state.  The correct statement is "the government will not let you carry on bottled water." Or, "The government will seize your bottled water." Or, "You may not carry on bottled water because the government will not let you." Or, "The government has surrendered again without resistance in the latest battle in its imaginary 'War on Terror,' and you are the casualty once more, with another addition to losing your Fourth Amendment Rights in assembly line searches without probable cause, because the government will now seize and destroy your water bottle."  
   The newscaster version was incorrect because you "can" carry on bottled water, just as you could before the government's latest insult to your intelligence. It is a lesson most children learned from their parents (but not from government schools) when asking "can I go outside?" and the retort was "The correct question is 'May I go outside?' because you appear to be physically capable of going outside, but you want to ask for permission."
   The land of the free and the home of the brave is no longer permitted to carry on bottles of water. Newscasters adopt grammatical errors because they will not report the truth about government.   
    Learn the language of liberty.

The preceding was originally written as examples of how to think, speak and write as a libertarian. It is a fashion of speaking that teaches important philosophical and historical points that are virtually unknown to the general public.

-- For more ideas on liberty and libertarianism see from Rex Curry at


Much has been written about the Mona Lisa's smile in the famous painting. A new discovery by the etymologist Dr. Rex Curry explains that her smile means that she is "merry" as that is a reference to her name: Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo.  La Gioconda means "merry one." The painting is on display at the Musée du Louvre in Paris under the title "Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo." The painting is also known as La Gioconda or La Joconde. Gioconda is related to the word "merry" in french, and also to jocular, joke, and related words. The word "Mona" translates as "My lady."


Peroration: in rhetoric
the concluding part of a speech or discourse, in which the speaker or writer recapitulates the principal points and urges them with greater earnestness and force.  Also, a pompous, long-winded speech.

How socialism destroys language.

Antiqua is a typeface. It was designed between about 1470 and 1600, by Nicholas Jenson and the Aldine roman comissioned by

Aldus Manutius and cut by Francesco Griffo. Antiqua letterforms were modelled on a synthesis of Roman inscriptional capitals

and Carolingian writing. They are also known as Venetian types.

Antiqua's Germanic opposite is blackletter, with a version known as Fraktur in Germany because the letter forms are broken or

fractured. The term derives from the past participle of Latin frangere ("to break"), fractus ("broken"). As opposed to Antiqua

(common) typefaces, the blackletter lines are broken up.

The first Fraktur typeface was designed when Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I (c. 1493–1519) established a series of books and

had a new typeface created specifically for this purpose.

In 19th and 20th century Germany, and under the National Socialist German Workers' Party, there was a dispute over whether

German should be written in antiqua or the highly-developed Fraktur blackletter.

In an attempt to deliberately impose socialism in Germany, it was officially reinforced under the National Socialist German

Workers' Party.

Audio examples of how socialism destroys language can be heard in the film "Triumph of the Will" produced under German

National Socialism.


Latgalian language developed since 18th century as a literary tradition based on vernaculars spoken by Latvians in the Eastern part of Latvia. The first surviving book published in Latgalian is "Evangelia toto anno" (Gospels for the whole year) in 1753. The first systems of orthography borrowed from Polish and used Antiqua letters. It was very different from the German-influenced orthography, usually written in Blackletter or Gothic script, used for Latvian language in the rest of Latvia. Many Latgalian books in late 18th and early 19th century were authored by Jesuit priests, who came from various European countries to Latgale as the North-Eastern forepost of the Catholic religion; their writings included religious literature, calendars and poetry.

Publishing books in Latgalian language along with Lithuanian was forbidden from 1865 to 1904. The ban of using Latin letters in the part of Russian Empire followed immediately after January Uprising, where Polish insurgents in Poland, and also in Lithuania and Latgale challenged the czarist rule. During the ban, only a limited number of smuggled Catholic religious texts and some hand-written literature was available, e.g. calendars written by the self-educated peasant Andryvs Jurdžs.

After the repeal of the ban in 1904 there was a quick rebirth of the Latgalian literary tradition; first newspapers, textbooks and grammars appeared. In 1918 Latgale became part of the newly created Latvian state. From 1920 to 1934 the two literary traditions of Latvians developed in parallel. A notable achievement during this period was the original translation of the New Testament into Latgalian by the priest and scholar Aloizijs Broks, published in Aglona in 1933. After the coup staged by Karlis Ulmanis in 1934 severe limitations on the use of Latgalian language were introduced. Latgalian survived as a spoken language during the Soviet annexation of Latvia (1940-1991);


Researches made by linguistics professors (Breidaks, Leikuma, Stafecka, Toporov etc.) have shown that Latgalian and Latvian may be considered
separate languages in terms of all structural levels of the languages (phonetics, morphology, vocabulary, syntax).

Consequently, this is a problem of Latvian majority being ready or not to accept use of Latgalian as a regional language. Some of the facts described
below show that Latgalian has more features of a languages than those of a dialect.

Latgalian was taught as a separate language in schools of Latvia (until 1934, before authoritarian regime) and in the Union of Soviet

Socialist Republics (until 1937, before mass exterminations of intelectuals of minority nations). 

Nowadays, Latgalian is taught at schools as an optional course.  An association of Latgalian teachers make regular efforts to gain

permission from the government for teaching Latgalian in government schools (socialist schools).

Three Universities (University of Latvia, Daugavpils University and Rezekne Higher education istitutions) offer an optional course of Latgalian language and literature.

The Latgalian literary tradition has started in early 18 century. Total number of books published in Latgalian language reaches approx. 2000.  About
150 Latgalian books were published in Latgalian since 1988, when the cultural revival movement started (i. e., after Soviet era)

Latgalian Radio ("Latgolys radeja") currently broadcasts in Latgalian language only.

There are 2 community portals in Latgalian only (, and a few more in both Latvian and Latgalian.


eytmology, linguistics, language & libertarianism by Dr. Rex Curry

The original pictographic meaning of the letter "A" ('aleph for "ox") can be remembered because the letter "A" still resembles the original ox pictograph, although the modern "A" resembles a dead ox as the earlier symbol has been flipped on its back. The best way to remember the A's origin is to remember that an ox is an "animal" (a member of the kingdom called "animal"). see the comments by Dr. Rex Curry at

The original pictographic meaning of the letter "B" (beth for "house") continues to be visible in the Hebrew language. "Beth Israel" means "House of Israel."  The original "B" letter looks like the floor plan of a house, as does the modern letter, derived from Greek (although the door appears to be closed on the modern "B" letter as a pictogram).

Speaking of doors, the original pictographic meaning of the letter "D" ("daleth" for "door") continues to be visible in the English language. The modern letter "D" still resembles a door, in keeping with its ancient root. How the D's early fish shape became "door" is still a mystery here.

The original pictographic meaning of the letter "H" ("heth" for "fence") continues to be visible in the English language in that the letter H can still be interpreted as a fence (i.e. two posts with a horizontal bar/post, or a doorway with a horizontal bar).  A synonym for a fence is a "hold," in that it holds things behind its cross bar. It is interesting that "heth" resembles "beth," and that a heth could be a house for animals or oxen.

The original pictographic meaning of the letter "K" ("kaph" for the palm of the hand) might continue to be visible in the English language in words like "Carpale"

The original pictographic meaning of the letter "M" ("mem" for water, waves or ripples of water) continues to be visible in the English language in words like "Marina" and "Marine" and its root "Mare."

The original pictographic meaning of the letter "O" ('ayin as an "eye") might continue to be visible in the English language in words like "Optics" and "Optical."

Libertarian think tanks

    * Cato Institute
    * Globalisation Institute
    * Competitive Enterprise Institute
    * Libertarian Alliance
    * Libertarian International Organization
    * American Liberty Foundation
    * Foundation for Economic Education
    * Institute for Humane Studies
    * Istituto Bruno Leoni
    * Future of Freedom Foundation
    * Adam Smith Institute
    * The Prometheus Institute
    * Copenhagen Institute
    * Institut Constant de Rebecque
Libertarian Speaker & Lecturer Dr. Rex Curry, Pointer Institute for Media Studies

Plural Pronouns are socialism, collectivism, slavery, racism segregation teachers education high schools elementary schools The Pledge of Allegiance & socialism, segregation and racism

THE WORD CHART OF ETYMOLOGY - a phenomenal teaching aid and educational breakthrough


Learn secrets of language, etymology, and symbolism regarding the swastika. Although an ancient symbol, it was used sometimes as overlapping S-letters for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party.

See the youtube video at

A LINGUISTIC TRADEMARK EXPOSE' - it exposes the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

LIBERTARIAN LINGUISTIC TIPS - how to speak like a libertarian.

LIBERTARIAN ETYMOLOGY - the language of liberty is explained.

L.A. BANS "master & slave" and "Mr. & Slav" ? - with comments from Mr. Etym from the Slavic community.

Ban the N-word

ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM -  help libertarians and anti-establishment types to resurrect this wonderful word.

Amazon & word usage

Godwin's Law and its loopholes Godwin's Law

Discoveries by an etymologist etymologist discoveries
Etymologist discovers etymological secrets
Discoveries by an etymologist etymologist discoveries

