(Bellamy ties to German National Socialism & the American Swastika)
Picture http://rexcurry.net/adolf-hitler-nazism-fascism-third-reich-swastika2.jpg & photograph http://rexcurry.net/i-pledge-allegiance-to-the-flag.jpg

Pledge of Allegiance in SHOCKING images and articles at http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-pledge.html
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The Bellamy German connections are scary reminders of people persecuted under German National Socialism and of the "Socialist Slavery" symbolized by the overlapping S-letters of the swastika under the National Socialist German Workers Party.
And American propaganda and flag fanaticism at

Swastikas are related to Tattoos & Fetishism. Learn more at  http://rexcurry.net/tattoos.html

Fascism = Socialism

Edward Bellamy Image http://rexcurry.net/swastika3clear.jpg Nazi Party

Frightening facts about Nazism in America continue to be exposed. http://rexcurry.net/bellamy-edward-german-connections.html 

The stiff-armed salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party originated from a National Socialist in America -Francis Bellamy- who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance in 1892, as shown by the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). http://rexcurry.net/pledgesalute.html

New discoveries expose the "swastika" of the first American national socialists.
and at http://rexcurry.net/45th-infantry-division-swastika-sooner-soldiers.html

Francis Bellamy was the cousin of Edward Bellamy. Edward was the head of the Nationalism movement in America at that time, the inspiration for Nationalist Clubs worldwide, and the founder of the Nationalist Party. Edward was also the author of the national socialist fantasy Looking Backward (1888), an international bestseller, and in November, 1888, Edward personally made a contract with an interpreter to translate his book into German (see the biography by Arthur Morgan, p. 65).  

In 1891, American advertisements listed German-language editions of Bellamy's book and stated that the socialist's novel "Lays the foundation of the Nationalist Movement." http://rexcurry.net/bellamy-charles-edward1891.pdf  The adverstisements coincide with Edward Bellamy's "Nationalist" magazine, published by the "Nationalist Educational Association." http://rexcurry.net/nationalistmagazine.jpg   The German translation not only promoted National Socialism in Germany, it also promoted National Socialism in America and cultivated those Americans who later supported the USA's German-American Bund movement that supported the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  It has been said that the Bellamys were "more Nazi than the Nazis."

Bellamy's comments in the Sprinfield Union newspaper show his glorification of German folk life. According to the biographer Sylvia E. Bowman, "To Bellamy, Americans had much to learn from the Germans who enjoyed nature, had outdoor summer houses and beer gardens, and from all of these, had found a placid contentment which contrasted to the hustle and bustle of American life."   

In 1935, Columbia University requested three people (John Dewey, a philosopher; Charles Beard, a historian; and Edward Weeks, the editor of Atlantic Monthly) to list the ten most influential books of the preceding 50 years (from 1885 to 1935). On all three lists, prepared independently, Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward appeared second on the list, the first being Karl Marx’s Das Kapital. It is important to remember that during this time of Bellamy's great influence, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party had been in existence since 1920, with electoral breakthroughs in 1930, and dictatorship in 1933.  Many writers have suggested that Bellamy was viewed as an alternative to Marx, and that view raised his influence among German National Socialists.

According to Gail Collins, at that time "...far more American workers read Looking Backward than ever made it through Marx..." Tomorrow Never Knows, The Nation, Vol. 252, Issue # 2, January 21, 1991.  The book was "debated by all down to the bootblack on the corner," reported Henry Demarest Lloyd in 1894.

The book, Edward Bellamy Abroad, by Sylvia E. Bowman, is an amazing 543 pages of evidence that Edward Bellamy's scheme for an "industrial army" (openly modeled after the military) was a bad influence upon WWII and the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): the National Socialist German Workers' Party (21 million people slaughtered); the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (62 million slaughtered); the People's Republic of China (35 million).  (Also see http://rexcurry.net/socialists.html and http://rexcurry.net/socialists.jpg )  In Bowman's chapter on Germany alone, there are 54 pages, with comments about the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party, mentioning the similarities in Bellamy's philosophy.

Looking Backward became an international bestseller, translated into every major language, including German, and it inspired military socialism worldwide. The book, described by socialists as the "Bible of Nationalism," inspired the creation of 167 “Nationalist Clubs” worldwide, including Germany.  In the USA and in Germany it inspired the "Nationalism" movement, the "Nationalist" magazine, the "Nationalist Educational Association," and the "Nationalist Party."  Bellamy nationalists focused on nationalism (“my country over others”), a government takeover of schools, rabid patriotism (e.g. Pledges of Allegiance in government schools with the original straight-arm salute), and their interest in nationalization, or public ownership and management of everything.  The government takeover of schools also led to segregation imposed by law and taught as official policy, and it outlasted the National Socialist German Workers' Party by decades.

Bellamy's influence was still going strong in 1938 with the publication of Bellamy's “Talks on Nationalism.”  President Franklin Delano Roosevelt imposed national socialism and socialist slave numbers (social security) in 1935 as a "worker's" program for Roosevelt’s vision of the industrial army that coincided with similar numbering programs of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. During that time, children in the government's segregated schools were required by law to salute the flag with the straight-armed salute in military formation daily on the ring of a government bell, like Pavlov’s lapdogs of the state.  Bellamy's "Talks on Nationalism" is a terrifying look at the parallels between American National Socialists and German National Socialists.

German National Socialism was supported by American National Socialism via German-Americans who joined the German American Bund movement (Deutsch-Amerikanischer Volksbund) to support national socialists in Germany before WWII. http://rexcurry.net/pledgebund.html   The Bund began as the Friends of New Germany in Chicago in 1933. This group traced its roots to the Teutonia Society and National Socialist Party, both active in the USA during the 1920s.  
The phrase "National Socialist" was added to the original name of the party (the German Workers' Party), and the National Socialist German Workers' Party also partnered with the "Nationalist Party" of Franz von Papen to take power.  In March of 1933 (03-05-1933), the National Socialist German Workers Party received 44% of the total vote. Its 288 seats combined with 52 Nationalist Party to give German National Socialists a bare 16-seat majority (Shirer, Rise and Fall, pp. 195-196). [The plurality of the NSDAP in the 07/31/32 election had been 37%, making it the largest party for the first time. However, the NSDAP lost two million voters in the 11/05/32 election and had to partner with the Nationalist Party to create a bare 16-seat majority].  It gave the National Socialists and Nationalists a clear majority in the Reichstag. The leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party became chancellor of Germanay via deal-making with the Nationalist Party of Franz von Papen. One breakthrough for the NSDAP came in 1929, when the Nationalist Party solicited Hitler's help in its campaign against the a plan for German reparations. Hitler had campaigned in the presidential elections of 1932, losing to Paul von Hindenburg, but strengthening his position by promising to support Chancellor Franz von Papen of the Nationalist Party, who lifted the ban on the storm troops (June, 1932). Hindenburg, on the urging of von Papen, called Hitler to be chancellor of a coalition cabinet and Hitler took office on January 30, 1933. In growing difficulties, Hindenburg eventually dismissed the government and appointed a new one under the ex-military man Franz von Papen of the Nationalist Party, which immediately called for new Reichstag elections. In those elections of July 1932, the National Socialist German Workers Party had their best showing yet.
From 1868 to 1869, Edward Bellamy spent a year in Germany, learning to speak and write German and attending lectures and studying German socialism. Edward Bellamy even wrote A Süd Deutsch Volklied (South German Peoples' Song) in German on the inside cover of his notebook (dated Jan. 4, 1878, see Arthur Morgan's Edward Bellamy from Columbia University Press 1944).

Edward's brother Frederick stated that Edward had talked and read about socialism before Edward went to Germany. Frederick wrote that Edward's letters to him from Germany were full of German socialism which "he had read and studied much at home." (see Sylvia E. Bowman's 1958 book The Year 2000).

While Bellamy was in Germany, the first German unions were founded and the German Workers' Party (Die Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) issued its program of socialist cliches that Bellamy repeated in his bestseller (Looking Backward) and his other writings for the rest of his life. (Die Deutsche Arbeiterpartei : Ihre Prinzipien und ihr Programm. - Berlin : Jonas, 1868. - 32 p. ; 23 cm; also see Karl Marx: Randglossen zum Programm d. deutschen Arbeiterpartei (1875) (Criticism of the Gothaer of program. Marginal notes for the program of the German Labour Party) and "On the Jewish Question" written in 1843 (published Feb.1844) by the anti-semitic Karl Marx. See Friedrich Engels: The Prussian military question and the German Labour Party (Written at the end of January until 11 February 1865). And Friedrich Engels: Bismarck and the German Labour Party (Written in the middle of July 1881).

Hitler's party (the National Socialist German Workers' Party or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP ) had originally been named the German Workers' Party and later added the phrase "National Socialism" to the front of its name. Hitler had suggested that his Party be named the "Social Revolutionary Party." The ominous parallel of Bellamy ideas and U.S. socialists can be seen in the 25 point program of the NSDAP.

Edward later wrote in support of socialism, "It was in the great cities of Europe and among the hovels of the peasantry that my eyes were first fully opened to the extent and consequences of 'man's inhumanity to man.'"  But Edward died in 1898, and did not witness the worst of man's inhumanity to man in the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): the National Socialist German Workers' Party (21 million); the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (62 million people slaughtered); the People's Republic of China (35 million).  The invasion of Poland in WWII occurred in 1939, with the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as allies in their scheme to divide up Europe.  It was preceded by Hitler's 1936 invasion of the Rhineland and the Sudetenland.

By 1936, National Socialism had grown so much in the USA that Fritz Kuhn, the head of the German-American Bund, and a few of his followers, visited Germany that same year  in Berlin for the Summer Olympics.  There was much travel between Germany and America. There was even travel by lighter-than-air crafts, and on May 6, 1937, while the Hindenburg was attempting to land at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station in New Jersey, the entire airship was consumed by fire.

In 1888, Bellamy Clubs (Nationalist Clubs) gained the backing of the Theosophical Society and its leader, Madam Blavatsky. Theosophists saw in the Nationalist Movement a practical means to further their "ideal of universal brotherhood."  (see Arthur E. Morgan in his biography, Edward Bellamy, 1948, pp. 260-75; see also The Key to Theosophy by H. P. Blavatsky, pp. 44-5. -- K.V.M.] http://rexcurry.net/theosophy-madame-blavatsky-theosophical-society.html

A symbol for Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society includes a swastika or hakenkreuz http://rexcurry.net/bellamy-blavatsky-brooch.gif   Blavatsky travelled extensively to Germany, India and worldwide (The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky: Reminiscences and Impressions by Those Who Knew Her by Daniel H. Caldwell: Chapter 14, Germany and Return to India 1884-1885; Chapter 15, From India to Italy and Germany, 1885; Chapter 16,  Germany 1886).  After Bellamy's book Looking Backward, Blavatsky continued to promote Theosophy and National Socialism in Germany and worldwide.

Another mystical India-Germany promoter of National Socialism was Savitri Devi. Known as the "Aryan Hindu prophetess," she believed that Hitler was an avatar or god come to earth.  Born Maximiani Portas, she became a strong admirer of Hitler in the 1920s, moved to India in 1932 because of its caste segregation system, and took a Hindu name. Later, her writings were republished, and she gained new fans in the 1970s as new interest in National Socialism spread. Devi died in 1982, but the author boasted that her combination of Hindu religion and Nordic racial ideology became a bridge between National Socialism and the New Age movements.

Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, Professor Curry showed that it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism."  Curry changed the way that people view the symbol of the horrid National Socialist German Workers' Party. Hitler altered his own signature to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist" and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-swastika.html

John Toland’s biography of Hitler (p 183) discusses the swastika and makes reference to Hans Knirsch, founder of the National Socialist Workers' Party in Czeckoslovakia also known as the Sudetendeutsche National Sozialistische Partei or Sudeten-German National Socialist Party.  If the swastika was a symbol of the Sudetendeutsche National Sozialistische Partei, then it provides an additional early use of the swastika's two overlapping "S" letters: "Südeten Socialism" or even "Süd Socialism" or "Southern Socialism."  The word "Sudeten" came to mean "Southern" for many Germans, even though the original etymology is unclear.

In 1897, the "American swastika" appeared for the first time as the "equality symbol" ( = ) repeated all over the cover of Edward Bellamy's new book Equality, his sequel to Looking Backward. http://rexcurry.net/bellamy-edward-equality-swastika.jpg  While the swastika/hakenkreuz was the symbol for German National Socialists, the "equals sign" was the "swastika" for American National Socialists. Bellamy wrote, "Nationalism is not based on the maxim 'To each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities.' Of course, as a matter of conscience, every man is bound to do all he can, and the needs of others are sacred claims upon his service; but both abilities and needs are indeterminate, and therefore could not be made the basis of any regulation to be enforced by society. The principle of Nationalism is: From all equally; to all equally" (The Christian Union, Nov. 13, 1890).  The book Equality continues the story of Julian West in Bellamy's totalitarian future of National Socialism.

In 1843, the anti-semitic Karl Marx wrote his notorious work On the Jewish Question (published Feb.1844).  In it, he intended to libel Jewish folks when he said they were the quintessential capitalists and worthy of total contempt.   Marxists and socialists had no interest in anyone they considered to be “the weak,” only in the loyal, and their “language of social justice” concerned a totalitarian plan for a new man, or more accurately a soldier ant in an ant hill.

In Edward Bellamy's own weekly publication, The New Nation, in which Bellamy touted his National Socialism, Bellamy would sell his weekly combined with Karl Marx's Capital as a package deal. http://rexcurry.net/edward-bellamy-karl-marx.jpg  Note that the version of Capital offered in Bellamy's New Nation is the translation by Dr. Edward Aveling (mentioned below).

The Manifesto of the Communist Party had been written (1848) in German by the Germans Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as the Communist League's programme on the instruction of its Second Congress (London, November 29-December 8, 1847).  The first English translation, made by Helen Macfarlane, was published between June and November 1850, in the Chartist journal The Red Republican. Its editor, Julian Harney, named the authors for the first time in the introduction to this publication. All earlier and many subsequent editions of the Manifesto were anonymous.  Its advocates sought the overthrow of the existing economic and social institutions and control by "the people" of all production, distribution and industry.  They sought also to abolish all idleness and all private property except incomes and minor personal possessions. 

Socialism grew in America and, according to Sylvia E. Bowan, "Aside from the New York German Communist Club (1857), the first large, organized society to propagate the idea of socialism was the German Gymnastic Union, or Turnverein, which by 1850 was organized on a national basis.  The platform adopted in Philadelphia in 1850 'proclaimed the promotion of socialism and the support of the socialistic democratic party to be its chief purpose.' "  (see Sylvia E. Bowman's 1958 book The Year 2000).  (Also see the German American Bund movement referenced above and at http://rexcurry.net/pledgeapology.html ).  

The film "Triumph of the Will" (1934), directed by Leni Riefenstahl, shows the National Socialist German Workers' Party parading its industrial army. In keeping with their socialist dogma, Hitler is praised as an "epitome of altruism" and the speakers refer to each other as "comrades" who will cause a "revolution of the people and workers" to end "class struggle" and create "egalitarianism." http://rexcurry.net/filmrev-triumph-of-the-will.html

Karl Marx's book Das Kapital had been published in 1867, the year before Bellamy's trip to Germany.  Although it was not translated into English until after 1886, his ideas had been promoted in newspapers and pamphlets.  Edward Bellamy learned how to speak and write in German during his stay in Germany.  While Bellamy was in Germany, Marx fought with Bakunin and Proudhon in the First International about their fundamentals of "social revolution."  Bebel and Liebknecht took part in the debates, also.

In 1886, Dr. Edward Aveling and his wife Eleanor -the daughter of Karl Marx- wrote that when they toured the U.S. and preached the gospel of socialism as far westward as Kansas, they were surprised by the prevalence of what they termed "unconscious socialism" and that the "American people ... were waiting to hear in their own language what socialism is."

Later, Looking Backward was popular among the elite in pre-revolutionary Russia, and Lenin’s wife was known to have read the book, because she wrote a review of it. 

In 1891, advertisements listed German-language editions of Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward and stated "Lays the foundation of the Nationalist Movement."

Another advertisement lists together the books of Charles Bellamy, Edward Bellamy and Karl Marx http://rexcurry.net/bellamy-charles-brother1891.pdf

Bellamy exemplified the amateurism and irrationalism of National Socialism. It is similar to the experience of Peter Drucker in a meeting of farmers. A member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party had shouted to the cheering crowd: "We don't want lower bread prices, we don't want higher bread prices, we don't want unchanged bread prices - we want National-Socialist bread prices."

In 1867, Bellamy became a bitter military failure due to his inability to pass the physical exam at West Point.  Still, he loved Prussian militarism and the educational system. 

Bellamy's 1868-1869 stay in Germany (including Dresden) occurred shortly after the war between Prussia and Austria.  Saxony, of which Dresden was the capital, had sided with Austria, had been conquered by Prussia, and then had joined the North German Federation.  That would interest all who loathe the monstrous National Socialist German Workers’ Party, because Prussia led to the formation of the German empire, and after World War I, Prussia continued to exist as the largest Land (state) within the Weimar Republic and under the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.  After World War II it was dissolved by decree of the Allied Control Council in 1947.

At the time this was written, the Theosophical Society of America (TSA) continued to maintain its Springfield Branch office at the Edward Bellamy House, 93 Church Street, Chicopee, MA and also its library. Recent lectures included "Discovering the Secrets in the Akashic Records" and "Alchemical Art Therapy" and "Gnosis: An Ancient Path of Illumination."

About Edward Bellamy's time in Germany, the author Sylvia E. Bowman states "Though his story 'Lost' and some unfinished stories are based upon this European sojourn, very little was recorded by Bellamy or others about this period of his life."

As a libertarian lawyer, Dr. Curry provides pro bono services nationwide to educate the public about the news-making historical discoveries.

1. Dr. Curry showed that the USA's first Pledge of Allegiance used a straight-arm salute and it was the origin of the salute of the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis). Professor Curry helped to establish that it was not an ancient Roman salute, and that the "ancient Roman salute" is a myth. http://rexcurry.net/pledgesalute.html

2. The Pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. Historic photographs are at http://rexcurry.net/pledge2.html and at http://rexcurry.net/pledge_military.html   Due to the way that both gestures were used, the military salute led to the Nazi salute. The Nazi salute is an extended military salute. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-pledge.html

3. Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of the novel "Looking Backward") and Charles Bellamy (author of "A Moment of Madness") were socialists.  Edward and Charles were brothers, and Francis was their cousin. Francis and Edward were both self-proclaimed National Socialists and they supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, the "Nationalist" magazine, the "Nationalist Educational Association," and their dogma of "military socialism," and Edward inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and their dogma influenced socialists in Germany, and the Pledge was the origin of the Nazi salute. "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party." A mnemonic device is the swastika. Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, Professor Curry discovered that it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism."  Curry changed the way that people view the symbol of the horrid National Socialist German Workers' Party. Hitler altered his own signature to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist" and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-swastika.html

Dr. Curry showed that many modern myths about swastikas are based on the false belief that Nazis called their symbol a "swastika."  German National Socialists did not use the word "swastika," but called their symbol a "Hakenkreuz."   Professor Curry showed that many modern myths rely on a false belief that Nazis called themselves "Nazis" or used some other term (Party members referred to themselves as "National Socialists" and did not use the term "Nazis").

EDWARD BELLAMY http://rexcurry.net/edward%20bellamy.jpg EDWARD BELLAMY

EDWARD BELLAMY http://rexcurry.net/edward%20bellamy.jpg NAZI PARTY

In summation, there are many ways in which Hitler and his national socialists were familiar with American national socialists and American practices (including America's nazi salute from the Pledge of Allegiance and its persecution of people who refused the mechanical brainwashing), here are a few ways:

  1. American socialist eugenicists, as explained by various authors including Edwin Black. Hitler personally communicated with and lauded American socialist eugenicists.

  2. The automaker Henry Ford and his book “The International Jew” and his Dearborn, Michigan newspaper. James D. Mooney, vice-president of overseas operations for General Motors, also received a medal from Hitler, the Merit Cross of the German Eagle, First Class.

  3. Edward Bellamy and Francis Bellamy via the international bestseller “Looking Backward” (translated into German) and the book “Equality” and via other print and film sources, and via “Nationalist Clubs” or “Nationalism Clubs” and various Nationalist publications that promoted the Bellamy dogma in and around Germany. They were both Freemasons and they spread their dogma and the salute/pledge of allegiance internationally via that organization and others (e.g. Boy Scouts), and a Youth's Congress. Francis wrote the pledge with the intent that it be used by other nations. See the book Edward Bellamy Abroad, by Sylvia E. Bowman, with an amazing 543 pages, and an entire chapter about Bellamy's influence in Germany. http://rexcurry.net/francis-bellamy-daily-gleaner-kingston-jamaica.jpg

  4. The early silent movie "The Vanishing American" (by George B. Seitz) based on the Zane Grey novel that shows the American stiff-armed salute taught to native Americans in a government school. And other American movies.

  5. American books and writers. See “Hitler’s Private Library: The Books That Shaped His Life” by Timothy W. Ryback, including the book by American eugenicist Madison Grant titled “The Passing of the Great Race.” Karl May, the German author who was one of Hitler's favorite authors and whose books were set in the USA as cowboy and Indian westerns.

  6. Ernst Hanfstaengl, an American and a Harvard grad and an intimate friend of Hitler known as “Putzi” and “Hitler's piano player” and who advised Hitler on how to lead a crowd into adulation and loyalty (e.g. as was -and is- done with the Pledge of Allegiance and its early Nazi salute).

  7. Via the Olympics, including the 1924 Olympics which displays the stiff-armed salute that the Olympics adopted from the USA's Pledge of Allegiance.

  8. News reports and court cases concerning pledge persecution that reached its nadir at the U.S. Supreme Court in 1940 in Minersville School District v. Gobitis when the Court upheld government persecution of children in government schools (socialist schools) if they refused the daily robotic brainwashing.



Julian West, James Upham, Youths Companion, Nationalism, Socialist Revolution, Theosophical, Theosophy, Blavatsky
Pledge of Allegiance youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BssWWZ3XEe4 youtube Pledge of Allegiance

Rex Curry blog spot http://rexcurry.blogspot.com/

Pledge of Allegiance blog spot http://pledge-of-allegiance.blogspot.com/

Pledge Allegiance blog spot http://pledge-allegiance.blogspot.com/

